Yet another post that I didn’t plan on writing, but I believe to be extremely important. Unless you’ve been living under a rock by now you will have seen the fall out of Trump’s muslim ban across the globe today. I’m not going to spend time going into that, because I may cry, but below I have pooled every resource and suggestion I can find for how you can help and what you can do, no matter where you are.

As with my post on Standing Rock earlier this week (gosh, it’s been a long one hasn’t it), this post will be updated as and when I hear more information.

Support ACLU

‘The American Civil Liberties Union has filed suit against the Trump administration, arguing that his executive order is unconstitutional.
The ACLU filed the lawsuit along with the International Refugee Assistance Project at the Urban Justice Center, the National Immigration Law Center, Yale Law School’s Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization, and the firm Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton.’

ACLU were also the ones behind the nationwide temporary injunction blocking the deportation of those affected who were stranded in US airports. The ACLU and other organisations then filed the above lawsuit, and they also have lawyers across the country who are representing detainees, working to free them as we speak. Supporting them financially, however small the amount, helps them to continue this vital work across the USA.

Find an airport protest near you

Here is a list for USA airport protests (and one in London). If there isn’t one near you, look to see if there are ‘No Ban No Wall’ marches or anti-islamophobia marches in your area.


Contact your elected officials
You can find a list of USA Senators/Governors here which shows how they have reacted to the ban, and also provides a template for what to say. Call the congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be directed to your representatives. It is important to tell the operator why you are calling and what issue you’re calling about. Urge them to protect immigrants, Muslims, and refugees. You can also use a tool created by Make the Road NY to contact your senators on Facebook and Twitter.

If you’re elsewhere in the world, ask your local representatives to speak out against Trump’s policies. If they already have, ask what you as a community and they as a governing body can do to increase pressure on the Trump administration to remove the ban.

In the UK, you can use Write To Them

Sign Petitions

In America: demand your city become a sanctuary city and oppose Trump’s ban on refugees.
In the UK: Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom
WORLDWIDE: Sign the open letter rejecting Donald Trump’s bigotry and hate

Find Local Organisations to Partner With

Whilst supporting large organisations is important, being proactive in your local area is also vital work. Especially if you aren’t in a place to financially support, you can volunteer your time. Here are a few to get you started.

Arab American Association of NY (AAANY): AAANY supports and empowers the Arab Immigrant and Arab American community by providing services to help immigrants adjust to new homes and become active members of society. Their aim is for families to achieve the ultimate goals of independence, productivity and stability.

National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON): NDLON works to improve the lives of day laborers in the US. With member organizations across the country, NDLON works to unify and strengthen its base in efforts to develop strategic and effective leadership, mobilization and organizing campaigns.

CAIR: The Council on American Islamic Relations has fought for the civil rights of American Muslims. There are 30 nationwide affiliates, defending, representing, and educating over 1 million Muslims in the New York area.

Families for Freedom (FFF): FFF is a multiethnic human-rights organization in NYC run by and for individuals and families facing and fighting deportation. FFF organisers are immigrant prisoners, former prisoners, their families, or those at risk of deportation. Their aim is to empower immigrant communities as communities of color, and to be a guiding voice in the fight for human rights.

Grassroots leadership: Located in Austin, Texas, Grassroots Leadership believes “no one should profit from the imprisonment of human beings” and they “work for a more just society where prison profiteering, mass incarceration, deportation, and criminalization are things of the past.” They are currently organizing Sanctuary in the Streets Training to build sanctuary networks through direct action and organising throughout Texas.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS): HIAS brings the lessons of its history and Jewish ethics and experience to our commitment to serve refugees and other displaced persons of concern around the world through the following values: Welcoming, Dignity and Respect, Empowerment, Excellence and Innovation, Collaboration and Teamwork, and Accountability. If you’re not in New York, HIAS also works with a variety of refugee resettlement organizations across the country.

Make the Road New York (MRNY): MRNY builds the power of Latino and working-class communities to achieve dignity and justice through organising, policy innovation, and transformative education. Its campaigns include expanding civil rights, promoting health, improving housing, achieving workplace justice, improving public education, and empowering youth. It has recently launched a group called Aliados for allies of immigrants to join the fight. You can sign up for their next meeting here.

Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ): SURJ is a national network of groups and individuals organising white people for racial justice. Through community organising, mobilising, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability.

Refugee Action: Refugee Action provide support to refugees resettling in the UK through supporting them through the asylum process, providing support and guidance for resettling and campaigning for a fairer asylum system.

Refugee Council: The Refugee Council provide a holistic integration service that supports newly recognised refugees as they make the first steps towards resettlement: helping with obtaining documents, accessing financial support, finding a place to live, making steps towards employment and addressing physical and mental health needs.

Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks (MAMA): MAMA is a secure and reliable service that allows people from across England to report any form of Anti-Muslim abuse, creating a place where one can record any incident experienced as a result of Muslim faith or someone perceiving you to be Muslim. Victims can describe the details of the abuse they suffered, whether verbal or physical, and then add in the location of the attack so that MAMA can effectively map incidents across England. MAMA can also refer people to support through partner agencies if they have been a victim of an Anti-Muslim incident.

Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism (FAIR): FAIR works to raise awareness and challenge Islamophobia through constructive and educational means, to monitor how the regime of anti-discrimination law is working and recommend improvements, and to encourage good relationships between communities of various religious and racial backgrounds.


Find The Refugee Resettlement Agency Working in Your City

‘Locate your local refugee resettlement agency and ask how you can volunteer… The ways to help are endless, from sorting donated items to tutoring to family mentoring. Beyond the initial re-settlement period many refugees remain culturally isolated. Coming from communally-based Muslim cultures the busyness and individualism of western countries can be especially hard to adapt to. Jump in and share your life.’

Get Educated *UPDATED

I’ve already seen the argument floating around where people compare this ban to Jimmy Carter’s Iranian ban. You can read about why those situations are different here.

I have also seen comparisons to Obama’s policies of 2011, read more about how these two policies are incredibly different HERE.

I would also recommend following ACLU on facebook for further information.

Support Muslim Communities and Business

Go visit your local mosque, ask if they are in need of anything or if there is any way you can serve them and their community. Go to restaurants in your area that are muslim owned or from the 7 banned countries (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen) in your area. Eat delicious food. Thank the owners and staff for being there. (this is applicable to other small business too)

Support Public Services

‘Two of the sectors that disproportionately bear the brunt of refugee resettlement are public education and healthcare (specifically hospitals). Find people in your life who work in these settings and ask how you can help support them as they encounter and love refugees. Ask about volunteering at your local school and tutoring English Language Learners.’


Boycott Retailers Carrying Trump Products (and tell them why)

More information on that, including suggestions of what to tell said retailers, can be found here. While we’re on the subject, delete Uber, who not only have a CEO who is happy to work with Trump, but are also accused of deliberately profiting from the New York strikes at JFK. If you’re in the USA, use Lyft which is instead donating one million dollars to ACLU. If you live in the UK, like me, contact Lyft and ask them to come here too!
(find out how to delete your Uber account here – remember to tell them why you’re doing it!)

Help Provide Free Housing  *UPDATED

Today Air Bnb announced their offer of free housing to refugees and immigrants who can’t currently get into the USA. If you have a property on Air Bnb and would like to help by hosting people for free, sign up HERE.

If you have a spare room or temporary shelter to offer refugees in general, sign up with Room for Refugees

If you are a business owner, consider ways you can employ refugees and/or create positions that do not rely on English-only literacy

That’s all I can find for now. I know it’s tiring, there are so many things to fight for right now. But keep going guys. If we work together we can stop history from repeating itself.